Insurance Tips for Lawn Care and Landscaping

There are many aspects to owning a landscaping business. Many aspects that have nothing to do with the actual work itself. Whether a business owner is dealing with finding the right employees, determining the right price to charge their customers or managing the day to day operations; there are always additional responsibilities pulling the business owner in a different direction.  One aspect that frequently gets looked over is purchasing commercial insurance for your landscaping business.  Here are five tips for finding the best insurance, saving money when purchasing coverage and how best to use your policy when a disaster occurs.

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Partner with an independent agent

Independent insurance agents are unique in that they can quote you policies from many different carriers and not just one or a select few.  The appetites of the carriers change from year to year for certain coverages and especially for different industries.  Some years, your premium may go up simply because the carrier has experienced a lot of losses in your industry of the last year or couple of years. As a result they raise the prices for that classification code.  Another carrier may not have experienced the same losses and may be more hungry to quote your policy.  An independent insurance agent has the ability to force carriers to compete for your business.  In the end this helps you get better coverage at rock bottom prices.

Make sure you are in the right class code

The Lawn Care and Landscaping Industry is an industry that has numerous general liability classification codes. If you do not give enough information to your agent, they are forced to guess exactly how much risk your business takes on. It is in their best interest to always assume more risk. Assuming more risk protects the insurance agency, but may cost your business more in unnecessary premium. These mistakes usually get fixed in the end of term audit, but even when corrected you still have tied up cash in unnecessary premium throughout the year.

What coverages can I do without?

Once you have taken care of finding a good agency to partner with and you have taken the time to make sure you are classified properly, it is important to ask your agent what coverage’s does your business absolutely need and what coverage’s your business may be able to do without.  At this point it is important to remember the agent works for you.  If you are honest with the agent about how much risk you are willing to take, they should be able to give you the proper information to cover your business as you prefer.  It is important to remember that insurance agents not only interact with business owners when they are selling coverage, but also when the worst of the worst has occurred.  The agent may be offering you an extra coverage because they have interacted with a business owner in the past who had a claim occur at their business where they were not covered. Those are never easy conversations to have.  Depending upon the size and severity of the disaster having the right coverage may be the difference between your business closing the doors for a week and never opening again.

Ask for available credits and debits

The best way to find the best price on coverage is to tell your insurance agent what you value in the buying process.  Insurance agents talk with many different people from many different walks of life.  One customer may want to get through the insurance buying process as fast as possible so they can get back to running their business.  Another business owner may not mind if it takes a day and a half of their time in order to save an additional five percent.  Let the agent know early and often what you value.

What do you do when your business has a claim?

It is common for a business owner to think bad things will not happen to their business, but the most successful businesses are those who have a plan in place for when things go wrong.  Part of that plan should be having the proper insurance policy in place.  When an occurrence eventually takes place, there are several steps you as a business owner can take to speed up the process of getting your claim paid and get your business back up to normal operation.

When you do have to make an insurance claim it is important to inform both your carrier and your agency.  Do not be upset if your agency informs you to contact your carrier.  It is the job of the carrier to process the claim, not the agency.  At the same time, it is equally important to keep your agency in the loop.  In the unfortunate case the carrier is not living up to their end of the bargain, the agency can contact them on your behalf.  If you have injured workers, make sure they are going to medical facilities that are properly prepared to process the workers’ compensation system within your state.  Your carrier can help you find the proper facilities.  This can drastically limit the severity of a claim and it can allow your injured worker to get the best care quickly.  The better care they get can result in the getting back on the job quicker and with the least amount of doctors’ visits possible.  Keeping the injured worker on your side is important.  If this process runs smoothly it will make your employee happy and motivated to return to work.  It will also help your insurance carrier by limiting the amount of the claim.  THis will prevent too much damage from being done to your businesses experience modification rating.  The Experience Mod is one of the main ways carriers determine how much they will charge you for premium.

Do not be alarmed if a claim stays open for a period of time after your business has gotten over the claim.  Insurance agents do this in order to not have to open a second claim.  A second claim will also impact your experience modification rating.  The carrier does this because an injured worker may return to work and reinjure themselves.   Sometimes this can happen weeks or even months after the injured worker has returned to work.  If this causes your business to file a second claim it can have a damaging effect on your rating resulting in a higher rate on premium.


Your Experience Modification Rating Explained

A simple and concise explanation of your businesses Experience Modification Rating.

Experience Modification Rating

Understanding your experience modification rating is important, and can help reduce insurance premiums for workers compensation insurance. The experience modification rating goes by a variety of names including experience mod, experience rating, e-mod, EMR, and sometimes just the mod.  It is a factor that compares your business’ losses with other businesses in the same classification, and has the ability to increase or decrease your premium cost.  The experience rating is used to customize the insured’s premium to better suit the characteristics of a certain employer or risk.  It is found on the Experience Modification Rating Worksheet that you will receive each year before your policy effective date.  An experience rating of 1 is considered a unity mod, and does not change the cost of premium.  A rating that is >1 is called a debit mod, and would increase the cost of premium.  On the flip side, a mod that is <1 is referred to as a credit mod, and would reduce the cost of insurance to the employer.  So if an employer has a mod of 0.80, their premium would be 20% cheaper.  The idea being that an insured with a mod that is >1 is riskier than the average, and should therefore have to pay more.  While an insured with a mod that is <1 is less risky than the average, and should be rewarded by paying less. 

Manual Premium Experience Modification Rate Premium charged to employer
Employer 1 $250,000 .75 $187,500
Employer 2 $250,000 1.00 $250,000
Employer 3 $250,000 1.25 $312,500

As seen above, a credit mod (E-Mod value is <1) provides the employer with a cheaper premium.  While a debit mod causes the employer to pay a higher premium, and the unity mod causes no change in premium at all.  This change in premium provides incentive for employers to reduce and control losses in order to lower their experience mod.

Who calculates the employers experience modification rating?  The experience mod factor is generated by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI).  The mod is generated 60 to 90 days before the rating effective date, and therefore doesn’t use the current policy in the calculation.  The NCCI uses a period of three years of loss experience and compares it to the average losses in the class.  The time period that is used for data is determined by the risk’s rating effective date.  The data that is used in the experience modification rating calculation will include the policies that have an effective date that is no less than 21 months prior to the rating effective date, and no more than 57 months before the rating effective date.  In other words, policies that begin within 21 months and 57 months before the rating effective date will be used in the calculation.  For example, a policy that renews on 1/1/17 would include policies with effective dates that fall between 4/1/12 and 4/1/15.  Therefore, the policies that would be included in the data for the experience mod would be the 1/1/13-1/1/14, 1/1/14-1/1/15, and 1/1/15-1/1/16 policies.

As of 2017, the NCCI’s Experience Rating Plan manual for Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance (the “Plan”) is currently approved and authorized to use in 39 jurisdictions.  Right now the Plan applies to Indiana, Massachusetts, and North Carolina, however these states have bureaus that produce their own intrastate ratings.  An “intrastate” rating refers to a risk that is only in one state that uses the Plan.  By contrast, an “interstate” rating refers to a risk that is located in two or more states that use the Plan.  Minnesota, New York, and Wisconsin have also authorized the use of the Plan, but only on an interstate basis.  The Plan does not apply to California, Delaware, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, and Wyoming.  These states administer their own plans and produce their own rates.  However, since insurance is regulated on a state-by-state basis, the states that currently approve or disapprove the Plan are always subject to change.

 Find the anwers to your most difficult questions about your businesses Experience Modificaiton Rating at

The experience modification rating is a mandatory plan if the insured is qualified.  In order to qualify for an experience rating the insured must have paid a minimum amount of premium determined by the state within the most recent 24 months of the rating period, or have reached an average amount of premium that meets the established threshold over the entire rating period.  For example, the state of Florida requires that an employer must pay at least $10,000 in premium within the last two years, or have paid an average of $5,000 over the entire rating period. 

Employer 1: Employer 2: Employer 3:
2015 – $7,000 2015 – $4,500 2015 – $4,000
2014 – $3,500 2014 – $4,100 2014 – $5,000
2013 – $2,000 2013 – $6,500 2013 – $4,500
Qualification requirements are met in the two most recent years. ($7,000+$3,500= $10,500) Qualification requirements are met by averaging the premium over 3 years. ($4,500+$4,100+$6,500)/3= $5,033 Qualification requirements are not met.

In this example, Employers 1 and 2 would be required to apply an experience mod to their manual premium, and Employer 3 would not qualify.

The difference between claim severity and frequency.  When referring to an employer’s loss history, the terms severity and frequency are often brought up.  Severity meaning how severe, or how expensive a single loss is, and frequency meaning how often claims occur.  When calculating an experience mod, the NCCI assigns more weight to high frequency claims than it does to high severity claims.  The logic being that if the insured has a history of a high frequency of claims, then there is a good chance the insured will continue to have losses.  Also, having a high frequency of claims increases the chance that the insured will experience a larger loss in the future.  In other words, frequency leads to severity.  However, if the insured only has one claim with a high severity, there is a good chance that it was a more uncommon accident or injury that is unlikely to occur again.  The NCCI gives more weight to the frequency of claims by using the Split rating system.


Split Rating. NCCI uses split rating to divide losses incurred by a claim into Primary Losses and Excess losses.  This is done so that the frequency and severity of claims can be weighted properly.  Primary losses represent frequency, whereas excess loses represent severity.  In the calculation of the experience modification rating, primary losses are weighted more than excess losses.  However, the excess losses shouldn’t be ignored as they can be a very large amount.  The NCCI uses a ratio called the Discount Ratio (D Ratio) to find the expected primary losses by multiplying the expected losses by the D Ratio.  To find the expected excess loss, they multiply the expected losses by 1 – the D Ratio.  When finding the actual primary losses, as of 2017 the NCCI considers the first $16,500 of a claim to be the actual primary loss, and anything leftover to be the excess loss.  If the claim is less than $16,500, the entire claim is considered primary loss.  The amount of money that is used as the cutoff point for primary losses is referred to as the split point.  The split point is a value that is subject to change.  In 2013, the split point was increased from $5,000-$10,000, and by 2017 it has climbed to $16,500 where it stands today.  The split point will continue to change in the future based on inflation and loss data.


The experience modification factor is calculated by taking the total adjusted actual claims divided by the total adjusted expected claims of your class.  So if you have more actual claims than what is expected of your class, the mod will be >1 and you will receive a debit mod.  While this seems simple enough, there are many complicated steps that are taken before the final mod is produced.

First, the NCCI collects and records the payroll and loss information on to an experience rating worksheet.  Using this information, they calculate the expected losses for each classification using its Expected Loss Rate (ELR).  The ELR is the amount of expected losses for the classification per $100 of payroll.  So the expected losses equals the ELR x (Payroll/100).

Then they split the expected losses into primary and excess losses using the discount ratio.  After that, they must also split the actual losses into primary and excess losses.

To keep the mod from varying too much, the NCCI determines a stabilizing value and adds it to the calculation.  This calculation requires the use of the ballast factor and the Wt factor.  The ballast factor is a number that is added to help keep the mod from shifting too much, and the Wt factor is the weight assigned to the excess losses.  The stabilizing factor is calculated by multiplying the expected excess losses by (1-Wt), and then adding the ballast factor.

Once the primary losses and the stabilizing value has been found, the actual and expected ratable excess losses must be determined.  The ratable excess loss is the amount of excess loss that is included in the calculation.  This is done simply by multiplying the excess losses by the Wt factor.

Now that we have determined these values, the total adjusted actual losses can be found by adding the actual primary losses + the stabilizing value + the actual ratable excess losses.  Likewise, the total adjusted expected losses = expected primary losses + the stabilizing value + the expected ratable excess losses.

Finally, the experience mod can be calculated by dividing the total adjusted actual losses by the total adjusted expected losses.

E-Mod=(Actual Primary Loss+Stabilizing Value+Actual Ratable Excess Loss)  ÷  (Expected Primary Loss+Stabilizing Value+Expected Ratable Excess Loss)

E-Mod = Total Adjusted Actual Losses ÷ Total Adjusted Expected Losses  


Medical-only claims are not weighted as much in the calculation, and therefore don’t have as much of an impact on the experience mod.  Most states have approved an Experience Rating Adjustment (ERA) that limits the amount that medic-only claims are weighted in the experience modification rating.  Only 30% of the portion of a medical-only claim is included in the experience mod calculation.  This is done in an attempt to decrease the incentive for employers to pay off medical-only claims without reporting it to the carrier.

There are ways for employers to lower their experience mod, and therefore lower their workers compensation costs.

  • One effective way to do so is to implement a formal safety program, or make meaningful changes to a pre-existing safety program. Having a written safety program in place can help reduce injuries and accidents which will reduce your losses, and lower your experience mod.  An employer should train their employees in the proper safety procedures for driving, lifting and other job related duties.  As well as the precautions taken to prevent accidents like slips and falls, such as requiring non-slip shoes.  An employer can even consider incorporating rewards and disciplinary actions in their safety program, if it seems necessary.
  • Maintaining good hiring and orientation practices can also help reduce losses. Making sure each employee is mentally and physically fit for the job before hiring them is a good way to lower accidents.
  • Including a mandatory return to work program can greatly reduce the cost of claims. Having an employee return to work at a light or modified duty will lower the cost of their claim, which can help lower the employer’s losses and will bring their experience modification rating down.
  • Taking the time to make sure all your employees are placed in the correct class codes can also help reduce costs.


My Insurance Question is a part of the Insurance Shop LLC. The Insurance Shop is an independent insurance agency, founded in 2005. Over a decade and a half, the agents at the Insurance Shop LLC have developed relationships with dozens of insurance carriers who are hungry to offer coverage to businesses operating in many different industries. If you are looking to shop around for a better value when renewing your commercial insurance package, give us a call at 800-800-4864 to speak with one of our insurance specialists today.

Workers Comp Audits

Here is how to best prepare for your businesses for a workers compensation audit.

Workers Compensation Audit

Each year all businesses must go through a workers compensation audit process. If you are like most small business owners, this is not one of your favorite parts of owning a business.  The process can be long and tedious, but the more prepared you are for this process, the more quick and more smooth the process will be.  Consulting with your independent insurance agent can help you prepare for the process and make sure the audit is done well the first time through the process.  Here are 7 ways to ensure this process goes as painless as possible.

Communicate with your agent.

Open communication with your insurance agent is essential to a successful workers’ compensation audit. This is a reason why it is important to consider an independent insurance agent.  An independent agent is not as closely associated to the insurance carrier.  They can help you prepare for the audit and negotiate on your behalf if anything does not go in your favor. Open communication throughout your relationship with your insurance agent is essential to a satisfied experience during your small businesses workers comp audit.

Have paperwork prepared in advance

Having all necessary paperwork prepared in advance of your audit will make the process move as smooth as it possibly can.  This includes any and all payroll and employee records.  Job descriptions need to be included for each employee and their annual weeks, days and hours worked.  The more detailed the better.

Find the best information about a Workers Compensation Audit here at

Payment and cash disbursement records,

Throughout the year it is important to keep a record of all payments and cash disbursement.  Not having these available and organized is a good reason to have the auditor dig a little deeper during your businesses workers compensation audit. The more open, honest and organized you are throughout the entire audit process the more smooth the process will be.

Certificates of Insurance 

Make sure to keep a detailed record of all needed certificates of insurance for any and all sub-contractors or independent contractors your business used. The primary reason for providing these documents is that if you do not, these contractors will be listed as employees and it can substantially raise what you pay in premium.

Experience Modification Worksheet

The experience modification worksheet is a document that is published annually by the rating bureau in your state.  It covers the loss history for your business during the most recent three-year period, not including the most recent year.  The most recent year is not included due to overlap from some claims not being closed.  If you have had a large claims or a large amount of minor claims during any year it is important to have this worksheet available in order to show the true loss history of your business.

Make yourself available for the exit interview 

After a typical workers’ compensation audit there is an exit interview at some time.  It usually lasts several hours and is a way for the auditor to ensure they have all the necessary information to accurately audit your business. The more up-front you are with the auditor the more smooth the process will be.

Respond promptly to auditor follow-up questions  

There will more than likely be questions you do not have the answer to.  The more quick and thorough you respond to these questions the more likely the auditor is to work with you to quickly finish the audit process.  The time period after the audit normally takes two to three weeks.  There may be additional questions that need clarification and this may be a frustrating part of the process. The more accurate the audit is the better it is for your company.  Your agent can help you with any of these questions if you are having a trouble finding the exact information to satisfy the auditor.  It is also important to keep in mind that for security purposes, the auditor does not keep your payroll records.  You very likely will be asked to provide additional information or records that you have already provided.  No this going in to the audit and it can save you a lot of heart ache during the process.

An accurate workers compensation audit is in your best interest, moreso than a fast audit.  This process is frustrating even during a good audit.  It will take time away from your normal work, but it is within your best interest to ensure your audit is fair and accurate.  Keep a positive attitude and consult your independent insurance agent in order to ensure your audit process goes as smoothly as possible.

Have a Work Comp Audit soon?

Here are 7 tips for a Smooth Workers Compensation Audit

Find the best advice for a smooth workers compensation audit at

Each year all businesses must go through a workers compensation audit process. If you are like most small business owners, this is not one of your favorite parts of owning a business.  The process can be long a tidious, but the more prepared you are for this process, the more quick and more smooth the process will be. Consulting with your independent insurance agent can help you prepare for the process and make sure the audit is done well the first time through the process. Here are 7 ways to ensure this process goes as painless as possible.

Communicate with your agent.

Open communication with your insurance agent is essential to a smooth workers compensation audit. This is a reason why it is important to consider an independent insurance agent.  An independent agent is not as closely associated to the insurance carrier.  They can help you prepare for the audit and negotiate on your behalf if anything does not go in your favor. Open communication throughout your relationship with your insurance agent is essential to a satisfied experience during your small businesses workers comp audit.

Have paperwork prepared in advance

Having all necessary paperwork prepared in advance of your audit will make the process move as smooth as it possibly can.  This includes any and all payroll and employee records.  Job descriptions need to be included for each employee and their annual weeks, days and hours worked.  The more detailed the better.

Payment and cash disbursement records,

Throughout the year it is important to keep a record of all payments and cash disbursement.  Not having these available and organized is a good reason to have the auditor dig a little deeper. The more open, honest and organized you are throughout the entire audit process the more smooth the process will be.

Certificates of Insurance 

In order to ensure a smooth workers compensation audit, make sure to keep a detailed record of all needed certificates of insurance for any and all sub-contractors or independent contractors your business used. The primary reason for providing these documents is that if you do not, these contractors will be listed as employees and it can substantially raise what you pay in premium.

Experience Modification Worksheet

The experience modification worksheet is a document that is published annually by the rating bureau in your state.  It covers the loss history for your business during the most recent three-year period, not including the most recent year.  The most recent year is not included due to overlap from some claims not being closed.  If you have had a large claims or a large amount of minor claims during any year it is important to have this worksheet available in order to show the true loss history of your business.

Make yourself available for the exit interview 

After a typically smooth workers compensation audit there is an exit interview at some time.  It usually lasts several hours and is a way for the auditor to ensure they have all the necessary information to accurately audit your business. The more up-front you are with the auditor the more smooth the process will be.

Respond promptly to auditor follow-up questions  

There will more than likely be questions you do not have the answer to, the auditor will have for you during the audit.  The more quick and more thorough you respond to these questions the more the auditor will work with you to promptly and accurately finish the audit process.  The time period after the audit, before the auditor will finish the process, normally takes two to three weeks. There may be additional questions that need clarification.  This may be a frustrating part of the process, but the more accurate the audit is the better it is for your company.  Your agent can help you with any of these questions if you are having a trouble finding the exact information to satisfy the auditor.  It is also important to keep in mind that for security purposes, the auditor does not keep your payroll records.  You very likely will be asked to provide additional information or records that you have already provided.

An Accurate audit is in your best interest, moreso than a fast audit.  This process is frustrating even during a good audit.  It will take time away from your normal work, but it is within your best interest to ensure your audit is fair and accurate. Keep a positive attitude and consult your independent insurance agent in order to ensure your audit process goes as smoothly as possible.

12 terms to familiarize yourself with before your next renewal.

Twelve tips for the next time you purchase Small Business Insurance.


The person, group, or organization whose life or property is covered by an insurance policy.


Insurance company that issues a particular insurance policy to an insured. In case of a very large risk, several insurance companies may combine to issue one policy.

Named Insured

Any person, firm, or organization, or any of its members specifically designated by name as an insured(s) in an insurance policy.  .

Learn these terms to help your business at your next commercial insurance renewal.


The price or amount paid for insurance.


A formal request to an insurance company asking for a payment based on the terms of the insurance policy.


A company that offers and underwrites insurance policies.

Insurance Carrier


A document detailing the terms and conditions of a contract of insurance.


The person who decides whether to provide insurance and under what terms.


A person licensed by a state and employed by an insurance company to sell insurance policies on the company’s behalf.

Find out if you really need Umbrella Insurance Coverage at

Umbrella Coverage

Umbrella coverage protects your business when your existing liability insurance policy limits can’t cover all the expenses of a claim.

Hired and Non-owned Auto

A coverage that is commonly added or endorsed onto a commercial auto insurance policy. This endorsement adds additional coverages for the insured in the event there becomes a liability issue for an automobile accident involving a vehicle they don’t directly insure (rentals or employee owned cars).

Experience Modification Rating

An employers’ Experience Modification Rating refers the factor calculated from actual loss experience. It is used to adjust the businesses premiums (higher or lower) based on the businesses loss experience relative to the average underlying manual premiums for workers compensation coverage. The Modifier (Mod) compares the insured experience to the average class experience.


Additional Terms to consider familiarizing yourself with before your nest renewal

Waiver of Subrogation

A Waiver of Subrogation is a contractual provision whereby an insured waives the right of their insurance carrier to seek redress or seek compensation for losses from a negligent third party.

Certificate of Insurance

certificate of insurance is a document that is used to provide info on specific insurance coverage and provide verification insurance is in place at the time of issuance. The certificate contains the types and limits of coverage, the carrier, policy number, named insured, and the policies’ effective dates.

Certificate Holder

The certificate holder is the person, business, or nonprofit organization who is provided with a certificate of insurance to prove coverage is in place at the time of issuance. The certificate holder will be notified if at any time the policy is cancelled before the listed policy effective date.

Additional Insured

The Additional Insured is the person or organization who is not automatically included as an insured on an insurance policy, but who is included under the policy at the request of the named insured.


Workers’ Compensation Rates Could be on the Rise in Florida

Workers’ compensation insurance rates in Florida could be on the rise. As reported in outlets such as the Miami Herald, the Orlando Sentinel and the Insurance Journal.  The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) filed for a 17.1 rate increase to take affect August 1st. The bulk of the recommended rate increase is due to an expectation that attorneys’ fees will increase the Florida workers comp landscape due to a recent Supreme Court Ruling.

Florida Workers Comp Insurance System

The increased rates are unfortunate in that Florida workers comp insurance is already a significant expense to business owners. Furthermore, increased legal fees should not be a necessary expense to add to the system. Increased education, safety devices, adoption of return to work programs and decreased prescribing of opiates are all trends within the industry which are helping to control workers’ comp rates. Thus, while this appears to be a blow to work comp rates in the state, there are some trends that are working to reduce rates as well (which is a challenge given the ever increasing cost of medical care in the United States).

Another factor which drives Florida workers comp rates higher is the existence of fraud and other scams. Florida is one of the highest states in the country for fraudulent work comp claims, especially in the Miami area. Additionally, as demonstrated in this article from the Insurance Journal, scams to artificially reduce workers’ comp premium are prevalent in Florida. Scams and fraud unfairly increase work comp rates for business owners that are trying to work within the system.

Florida is what is known as a rate mandated state for workers’ compensation insurance. Wisconsin and several other states are set up like this as well. This means workers’ comp rates are set by the state. Work comp rates vary by employee classification and experience modifications, but they are otherwise set by the state. This is in contrast with most states where insurance carriers file rates and there is different pricing between carriers. Florida’s workers’ compensation rates are just below average compared to other rates in the most recently published national study.

Given Florida is a rate mandated state, business owners may wonder what they can do to reduce workers’ compensation rates. In Florida, a small number of carriers, such as Employers, have file with the state of Florida to offer a 5% discount from the rates set by the state of Florida. On the other hand, there is a consent to rate, which can be offered by certain carriers in Florida for difficult to quote businesses. This means a carrier offers workers comp insurance, but they are allowed to charge up to 25% more than the rates set by the state of Florida if an insured signs off on this pricing. If rates can’t be improved, business owners may have better payment options available such as pay as you go insurance. Furthermore, better safety practices leading to lower claims (and thus a lower experience modification factor) are always a way business owners can decrease their work comp insurance costs. Most within the industry believe the Florida legislature will make sweeping changes to the workers compensation system at some point in 2017 or 2018.  So business owners can rest assured that in some way, help is on the way in Florida.